iThemba Helping Hands Hydrating Hand Cream 50ml




Buy this Hand Cream this Breast Cancer Awareness Month & help save a life!

Avon has been at the forefront of the fight against breast cancer for over 30 years. Over the last three decades, we’ve donated more than US$939 million to breast cancer causes, educating 180 million people about the disease, and funding breast health screening for over 16.4 million women*.

This has only been possible with your support. 100% of the profits from the sale of our products go to our charity partners to empower and educate women across the country about the risks of breast cancer.

Because everyone should:
• Know the signs
• Know the risks
• Know how to take action

Buy this hand cream today. You could help to save a life! Remember early detection saves lives!

100% of profits from these products are donated to our charity partners†

†Look Good Feel Better | Cansa | Wings of Hope | Journeysys. *Historic figures for women screened have been reviewed and amended based on incorrect screening figures in 2017 and 2018.


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